2022.07.01 - 2022.09.04
Summer International Print Project 2022
Salvador Dali: The Song of Songs of Solomon
2022年曜畫廊將獻上薩爾瓦多・達利(Salvador Dali)在1971年創作於日本紙上的原創蝕刻版畫『所羅門王之歌』(The Song of Songs of King Solomon),全套共十二件。達利以十二件作品呈現他對於這部所羅門王情歌亦被認為是宗教經典的詮釋。他選擇最能夠展現「線條之美」的蝕刻(Etching)作為創作手法,將所羅門王之歌如詩般簡潔而富含韻律的文字,以細如髮絲的線條刻畫出視覺化的內容樣貌,其後再敷以手繪及金泥,創造出如所羅門王般高尚華美的光芒。
成套版畫的蒐藏非常不易,因此格外珍貴。許多經典之作,更成為美術館的鎮館之作及收藏家最傲人的傳家之寶。此次曜畫廊2022夏日國際版畫展,除了達利難得一見的全套『所羅門王之歌』,將同時展出部分夏卡爾的『Daphnis and Chloe』與『耶路薩冷之窗系列』系列,邀請觀者一起走進令無數收藏家癡迷的成套版畫世界。
The Summer International Print Project at Gallery de Sol, inaugurated in 2019, unveils the artworks of Taiwan’s printmaking pioneer, Liao Shiou-ping, alongside those of three major Spanish artists: Picasso, Miró, and Dalí. This annual exhibition, meticulously curated, presents rare and captivating content, including the iconic lithograph series ‘Ubu’s Childhood’ by Joan Miró, created at the age of 82 in 2000. In 2021, the spotlight shone on an essential Jewish religious commemoration by Marc Chagall, the original lithograph series documenting the design and production process of the glass mosaic windows at the synagogue of Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, titled ‘Vitraux pour Jerusalem.’ A testament to the meticulous curation by Gallery de Sol, each year’s exhibition showcases meticulously planned and seldom-seen artistic brilliance.
In 2022, Gallery de Sol presents Salvador Dalí’s original etching series, ‘The Song of Songs of King Solomon,’ printed on Japanese paper in 1971. Consisting of twelve pieces, Dalí’s interpretation of this biblical ode embodies engagement with religious classics. Employing etching, Dalí intricately portrays the poetic simplicity and rhythmic essence of the Song of Songs, utilizing lines as delicate as the strands of hair to render visual narratives, further embellished with hand painting and gold leafing, emanating an aura of regal splendor similar to King Solomon’s.
Complete sets of such prints are exceedingly rare and therefore immensely prized, often becoming the centerpiece of museum collections and the pride of discerning collectors. The 2022 Summer International Print Project at Gallery de Sol not only presents the seldom-seen complete set of ‘The Song of Songs of King Solomon’ by Dalí but also showcases select pieces from Marc Chagall’s ‘Daphnis and Chloe’ series and the entire ‘Vitraux pour Jerusalem’ series, inviting viewers into the enchanting world of coveted print collections cherished by countless aficionados.